Architect Ateliers: Jean Nouvel
Client: TDIC
Design engineer: Buro Happold
Project manager: AECOM
Location: Saadiyat Island, UAE
Completion date: 2015
The design team wanted to create a cool, welcoming environment in Abu Dhabi’s harsh desert climate. Its key way of achieving this was through the roof’s unique fractal perforated pattern.
What has evolved is a dome with an outer layer of cladding composed of five layers of unpainted stainless steel and aluminium pierced with apertures of varying shapes and sizes.The inner layer of cladding, also composed of five layers of pierced stainless steel and aluminium, will be bolted and welded underneath the tubular truss. There will then be a 5.5m gap incorporating a steel tubular truss — the steel members will be of 10 varying sizes — which will support the cladding.
Each of the cladding layers, including the structure, is based on a simple base pattern combined to create the final effect. Each single member of the structure and the cladding layer is chosen from a handful of standard element sizes.
1 create the dome
In order to create a smooth dome roof, Kangaroo has been used with its spring and geforce battery. And the original mesh comes from the third software-mono that enables the mesh has regular uv system.
2 Generate dome shape
Using the two batteries-Unaryforce and Springs generates a smooth dome.
3 Build up a surface from dome
In order to manipulate the dome, the dome has to change from mesh to surface. The first step is to extract the longest curve line from the mesh dome and move it to both sides of the dome to loft a surface mimic the original mesh dome.
Since the perforated pattern comes from several layers overlapping and rotation. The surface created just now will be copied and rotated separately.
5 Use pattern morph to attach the pattern on these surfaces
The last job is to attach the pattern on these surfaces. There are two steps for that-one is surface box that divides the surface into boxes, the other one is morph that attach the pattern into surface boxes.6 Cut off edges of the surfaces
After the generation of the patterns, the last step is to trim the surface edge to make it the same as the original dome. Use the solid difference battery to get this job done.
7 Add inner buildings within the dome
Final Image